Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Take your personality, and cram it in this format.

After jump-starting my car and an apology, I finally made it to my job interview an hour late. (I called before-hand, so this really wasn't a problem) I was already pretty annoyed by my stupidity (don't leave the lights on overnight! The battery will DIE.) and my family seemed determined to make my day especially terrible.
So I already started my interview looking like crap.

The questions were fairly typical. "Tell me about yourself". "What do you know about the company?"
And then: "If you could describe yourself in three adjectives what would they be?"

How do you describe the whole of your personality (while projecting yourself as a great person that they want to hire) with THREE ADJECTIVES?

Consider. Your personality is extremely complicated. Look at the list below and count how many adjectives you think describe you.

practical; persistent; careful; introverted; emotional; impulsive; athletic; conforming; achieving; confident; expressive; flexible; rugged; down-to-earth; curious; analytical; imaginative; idealistic; stable; self-reliant; precise; intellectual; unordered; original; frank; independent; creative; helpful; understanding; energetic; adventurous; conscientious; moderate; insightful; popular; driving; powerful; persistent; orderly; kind; cooperative; ambitious; persuasive; organized; efficient; friendly; responsible; assertive; competitive; obedient; detailed; tactful; flirtatious; enthusiastic; dependable; thorough

Did you only find three to describe yourself?
I don't think so.

I found four in the first line.

You can't possibly understand what a person is like if you only know three adjectives to describe them by.

It's like trying to take a play by Shakespeare and telling the whole story in a sentence. Here's your whole personality, now cram it in this format.

So I promptly listed off three generic-positive adjectives. I finished the interview, bid them good day, and went on my way.

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