Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Perfectly Logical Argument for the Existence God by an Atheist Using Homosexuality

Yes, you read the title correctly.
Look at it again. It hasn't changed.

Most of the time, a statement like that would be considered a complete oxymoron. It most certainly is blasphemy. But I promise, it is perfectly logical.

First, a disclaimer: I am an atheist. What does this mean? I do not believe the argument in which I am presenting. It is just something that occurred to me that should make a perfectly logical argument for the existence of God, but I do not necessarily BELIEVE it. It's just humorous to me.

So why would homosexuality make God exist?

 (no amount of men wearing rainbows is going to bring about the "all-knowing")

Well, we have to look at evolution. 
The definition of biological evolution is:
Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species. 
Quite simply, according to evolution, the population reproduces and takes the best qualities in order to create a stronger, smarter, healthier species.
According to evolution - Homosexuality shouldn't exist.

Why? Well, by nature of being homosexual, gay people can't reproduce. Yes, yes I know technically due to surrogates and such, homosexual partners can have a baby. But its a difficult, and not exactly natural process. So in short, without medical procedures, it is impossible for two men or two women to have a baby.

This would be moronic for evolution. Evolution is designed to propel the species to the next best generation, not to STOP it altogether. For lack of a better word, evolutionary speaking - homosexuality was a mistake.

*Disclaimer: I am a HUGE supporter of the LGBT community, being bisexual myself, so I'm not saying that I think homosexuality IS a mistake, I'm saying that it doesn't make logical sense according to the theory of evolution*

But hey - homosexuals are here to stay (whether the religious-right likes it or not). But why?

Well, if you can't have babies and you want one, what are you probably going to do?

As of right now, the amount of orphans in the world are approximately 16.2 MILLION.

Heterosexual couples tend to have their own children, and only the wealthy few who decided that they could afford to adopt tend to house and raise these orphans.

There are still millions of children who deserve to have healthy, happy homes, with loving parents that can support having a family.

The solution?

 These wonderful couples provide perfect homes for children that no longer have heterosexual parents,  and get to grow up in a loving environment to become successful adults.

Evolution couldn't have thought that far.

 Yes, the logical solution is this:

God made homosexuality in order to create the perfect parents for the rising orphan population problem.

If the church decided to take this idea and run with it, stop slandering the homosexual lifestyle, and decided to call homosexuality a "gift from god" - They'd be doing much better than they are now.

And they could reeeaaaally easily do so.

The only thing stopping them right now is Leviticus.

But hey, that's their problem.