So for the past week I've been teaching kungfu/wushu at a bible camp. Not because I'm religious (in any way), but because mega-churches pay real damn good for you to babysit their kids for two hours while they learn something "culturally relevant". The class structure is quite interesting - the kids go to church for an hour, come to learn martial arts from me for two hours, and then they have 10 minutes of bible study at the end with volunteer parents. I typically warm-up during the church part, but I do hear the 10 minute section where they talk about their bit of scripture for the day.
Well during this 10 minute talk, the kids also get a snack. Today's snack - Cheetos.
The volunteer decided that today, she was going to liken Jesus to bread. Basically, she was saying that bread fills you up, but Jesus does so too - spiritually.
Keep in mind, these students are like, 7 - 11 years old. They've been running around yelling their heads off for the past two hours pretending to be Po from Kungfu Panda, and they're pretty much 100% done listening.
So upon hearing that "Jesus fills you up", one of the 8 year olds excitedly responds: "Cheetos fill me up!"
The volunteer then said: "Yes, but you'll get tired of Cheetos. You will never get tired of Jesus!"
The 8 year old thinks about this, frowns and then says: "I never get tired of Cheetos. I eat Cheetos all the time."
The volunteer, now losing her patience says: "Well, sometimes we get tired of the things we like to eat, but Jesus still fills us - " and as she's talking, the 8 year old - quite ignoring the volunteer at this point states:
"God is like Cheetos - for the world."
Cue me - trying desperately hard not to laugh. This kid had quite made up his mind about the nature of God and Cheetos as a whole. This is the point in which the parents showed up to take everyone home, and the volunteer had to stop her lecture. Cheetos won today. And frankly, if that kid loves Cheetos that much - I think his analogy was spot on for bible school.