Monday, January 30, 2012

WTF Nebraska, WTF

Today, I drove home from school with the windows down.


Yeah, it's not that interesting or terribly exciting.

But check out the date.


I'm sitting outside on the porch, typing this post, in JANUARY.

For those of you not from Nebraska - this is rather strange. 70 degree weather doesn't happen in January. Ever.

Typically, Nebraska in January looks like heavy duty coats, three feet of snow, and -15 degree temperature.

It doesn't look like multitudes of people in the park, light jackets, and driving with the windows down.

So seriously Nebraska, WTF? The last time I checked, we were supposed to be having winter right now. But as far as I can tell, its either spring or late fall. Certainly not winter.

I just don't get it.

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