Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Format and Feelin' Squishy

I decided it was time for a change.
So "yay", new format.

It's going to take some getting used to, but I like it.

There's a new bar at the top of the says "Home" and "Meet the Ranting Fool" and "About".
"Meet the Ranting Fool" will bring you to a little schpeel about me.

"About" will bring you to something that isn't in English. I have no idea what the hell it is, but I can't get rid of it. I have no idea how. I think its somehow a permanent link in the template, so I'm just going to have to deal with it. Don't click on it. Really. It's just weird. I'm going to try and make it go away....but we'll see.

*Edit: The bar is gone now! I just really wanted to get rid of that weird foreign website. So yeah, no more "Meet the Ranting Fool", but oh well.*

But that isn't the main purpose of this post.

The main focus is on a rather new blog.

If you've been following me for a while, you know that I post my poetry. My shitty, shitty poetry.
I tend to write really short, angry little poems, or just really vague stuff. And hey, if you like it, great.

But seriously? If you want to read some awesome poetry, I bid you to check out this blog.

Old Thoughts By a Young Man is a blog written by a friend of mine. His poetry is AMAZING. And he just started his blog! Huzzah! So read it.

Here's some symptoms you shall have from reading his poetry:
feeling squishy inside
deep contemplation
acute awareness of your limited vocabulary
acute awareness that your own poetry is shitty
generally awesome feeling

So go read it. I wouldn't be sending over my own readers to another blog if I didn't think it was some of the most fantastic, pretty shiny things I have read in a while.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I happen to have a project now that I need to get done with two other individuals. Everything was going okay. We got the books needed to gather our information, and I was skimming through and taking notes.

And then this happened.

"Ugh, I can't believe this. I can't understand this. I hate it when you have to read these."


You're a college student - and you can't read a non-fiction book and understand it?

What the hell?

Are we so accustomed to professors spoon feeding our information through bullet points that actual college students can't take information from a book?

This cannot be right.

I do not care if you're better at math or science than you are at history.

All you have to do is READ THE BOOK. Its that simple. You don't even need to deduce conclusions from your information - you just need to READ THE INFORMATION.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

That one Asian chick

Being half-Caucasian and half-Chinese plus living in America means I get this one a lot:
"Hey, you're that one Asian chick!"

Yes, yes I am that one Asian chick. Good thing you know how to qualify my gender with the fact that you can't figure out whether I'm Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or a mix.

Americans (including people of minority ethnicities) have the habit of labeling people by their race, unless they're white. For example, if my friend is trying to explain her other friend to me I might hear:
"The tall blonde girl." Or "The short busty girl". Never the "Tall white red-head". Or the "French short girl."
However, if her friend is of another race I would hear:
"The black girl." or "The Hispanic girl with the curly hair."

Funny enough, Americans also have the habit of thinking that this wouldn't be the case if say, I were in China.
And they're right.
Sort of.
In China, I had the singular reaction of people pointing at me and saying:
In fact, they do that to, well everyone, who isn't Chinese in China.
So they don't say "black person", or "white person", or even "mixed", they just go with "Foreign".

Obviously, this wouldn't really work in America. China has the advantage of the fact that the majority of their populace is Chinese, and all other ethnicities typically are just there on vacation. However, somehow I feel the reaction is a little better. For once I wasn't the Asian girl. I was just....different.