Friday, June 29, 2012

The Truth Behind the Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz seems like a fairly innocent story. Filled with magic, rainbows, flying monkeys, and a rather strong desire to go back to the dirt-hole known as home. However, if you look past the lollipops and pink bubbles, throw away Dorothy's naivete, you have a tale of politics and corruption.

First - lets look at the start of the movie.
The witch gets squished.

                                                         that would just ruin your entire day
The rest of the movie revolves on the shiny, red, shoes (that weren't supposed to be red according to the book) - and ignores the real truth.

A person just DIED. And her poor sister is driven mad with grief. 
But who really caused the house to fall and KILL a person?

This person:
Pink, sweet, murderess.

Now why would the Good Witch of the West kill a fellow, also very powerful and influential witch?

Lets continue.

We know that at the end of the movie, Dorothy finds that she always had the power to go home. So why is it that Glinda decides to send Dorothy after the dead witch's sister to kill her, rather than just saying: "click your heels, and go home". At the start of the movie, Dorothy doesn't say: "I wanna go kill a witch!" She wants to find a way home.

So Dorothy kills the witch. She melts. 

Guess what? That means that Glinda is the only witch in the area of importance.

So what?

Well, killing apparently isn't the only way to get people to leave. The Wizard leaves too, to go home.

Which leaves pretty, sweet, Glinda to rule all of Munchkinland.

So yeah.

The story of the Wizard of Oz is actually a very complex plot in which Glinda kills off or gets rid of all her political adversaries, and ends up the sole dictator.

Not so rainbows and bubbles anymore huh?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer Ruminations

It's been a while since I last blogged. Summer has gotten to me - a mixture of lethargic-ness on hot days and being freakishly busy, downtime sandwiched in between hours of running from place to place, person to person. It's almost like being on two different clocks: one that speeds up, one that slows down.

I feel like I've gotten a lot accomplished.

I probably haven't.

I thought about what currently keeps me busy this summer, and I nearly broke out laughing.
Besides working on the flute, and teaching martial arts, my other "job" this summer is teaching a fitness class.

Let me back up.

If someone told me that I would be teaching a fitness class four years ago, I would have looked at them like they were crazy.

I'm the girl that couldn't lift 10 pounds.

I'm the girl that vomited every time I finished running a mile.

I'm the girl who got B's in gym class - when all my other grades were A's.

Fitness was the last thing on my agenda. I figured I'd never do a physical class again once I hit college. (Well, besides martial arts. But I was only vaguely good at that while in high school.)
I was not SUPPOSED to teach this class.

But I am.

My life is awkward,

And I like it that way.