Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thoughts on God....and Elvis.

So yesterday, after listening to Counting Blue Cars by Dishwalla (which, by the way, is a fantastic song, I highly suggest it), I had the chorus line get stuck in my head. Which goes:

Tell me all your thoughts on God, cause I'd really like to meet her

I've always loved this line. Being raised between atheistic parents, southern baptist grandparents, and having a random fascination with world religions, I've prayed to male gods, female goddesses, hermaphrodites, even cats.


So basically, the idea of God being female was no news to me.
But honestly, at the moment all I was thinking was: "this song is really catchy!" when I posted the line as my facebook status.

Apparently, I was the only person who would have read that and thought of Counting Blue Cars. Then again, most normal people don't think of counting blue cars in general unless they're ocd. (Oh, did I just make a joke? I think I did!)

The responding comments were all fairly harmless.
" If she exists, I'd like to know where she came from."
I'm fairly certain my God is a male figure. If he was a she, we'd all be sandwiches."
Then its a homo-sexual male figure. What straight male would make all those fish on the reefs, or flowers for that matter, that colorful?"
Isn't one. End of conversation."

Although no intense philosophical argument was panned out within the confines of my status, it did make me think. Not of whether or not God exists, nor of his/her gender/sexuality.

Quite simply, I re-affirmed my idea that you could make an argument for God being one thing or another with little effort.

For example, God could be an angry black lady.
Or perhaps a giant turtle that holds up the world.
A child with asperger's syndrome.
Elvis Presley.

And the greatest part is? You will never loose the argument. Because no matter what the opposition says, there is absolutely nothing they can say that can prove you wrong. You could say that God is the old Chinese guy who runs the drugstore down the street, they could say that god is their pet fluffy, and there will never be a conclusion.

But for safety's sake, I'm betting on the king of rock-n-roll.

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