Saturday, March 24, 2012

F-ing spider people.

Today, I took a nap, and I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt about spider people.

When I say spider people, I don't mean Spiderman. Because Spiderman is fucking cool. He swings around buildings using silly string that shoots out of his wrists, beats up bad guys, and kisses girls upside-down.
Kissing girls upside-down = cool

But these spider people weren't cool. They didn't kiss girls upside-down, and hell, you wouldn't want them to.
They had perfectly normal, human heads....but their bodies....
It was like someone stuck a human head on a giant, bloated spider.

The bodies weren't just like spiders either. They had clothes, that stretched over their freaky circular backs, and creepy arms/legs that stuck out of their many many sleeves with human hands stuck on the ends.

Interestingly though, they weren't really "bad" or evil. It wasn't a nightmare kinda situation. They were just freaky.

So what the hell does that mean? I don't even know.

All I know is, next time I dream about spider people, it better feature Spiderman.

...because Spiderman is fucking cool.

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