Monday, April 2, 2012

Hunger Games - Train for your life

Suppose the world goes to shit. The zombie apocalypse. Or perhaps you get picked to participate in the "Hunger Games". Would you be ready?

I've had this concept for a while now, since I started reading the book series when it first came out. But now that nearly everyone has at least seen the movie, I figured now is more relevant to talk about it.

For those living under a rock, the concept of the Hunger Games is simple. The world is divided into twelve districts under the capitol. Each district deals with starvation and poverty (some more than others). Every year, one person is chose from each district (ages 12-18), to fight to death in an arena (which is more like a deserted environment).

When I read the books, it occurred to me that I WOULD NOT BE READY. If chosen, I would die, and probably quickly.

I am not a couch potato. I am not fat. I teach martial arts. This gives me an advantage. However:
I have no upper body strength.
I am not very good with weapons.
I cannot make snares/traps.
I can't run worth a shit.

While the weapons and traps are important, each tribute has a training course that they go through to get the basics. So this is helpful, but not by too much. Not my point though.

Upper body strength is great, but its not all important.
RUNNING is all important.


Within the first 10 seconds of the game, you have two options. Fight, and probably die, or run for your life.
Can't run?

You're a dead man.

And there's no last minute training for running. You either have it months in advance, or you don't, and you might as well be dead from the start.

It's not just sprinting either. It's endurance. Being able to run for long distances without water and the possibility of someone throwing a knife at your back.

Upper body strength is important too. Being able to climb a tree or lift heavy objects is always good for a survival situation.
How about agility? Can you dodge when a knife is being thrown at you? Can you block a punch to the face?

Even though the likely-hood of the Hunger Games becoming a reality is next to zero, the chances of a person needing to be physically fit for an extraordinary situation is much higher than we'd like to think.

My point?
Train like you are going to compete in the Hunger Games.

Not that I think you need to look like this:
Holy fuck, that's just unnatural.

But really, should you look like this?
I think you'd die of hunger before you made it to the games.

So work out. Ride a bike. Do some push-ups (I swear, they're possible, and you don't have to pay a dime.) Stop shoving cheetos into your mouth when you're bored.

And may the odds be EVER in your favor.

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