Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thanks to you, I'm a creative weirdo

I've always been a bit of a weirdo.
Not just a bit. More like, really really weird.
I would just sit around, making random crap out of godknowswhat, glue/paint/dirt/berries/leaves/legos, and once I had finished I felt extremely accomplished.
I figured one day I'd probably grow out of that.
Here I sit, waiting for the earrings I just glazed to dry (which look like various food items), while making a bracelet out of starburst wrappers.

I love to make things. I've been drawing as long as I can remember, and once I discovered the beauty of written words I began writing stories. I gave up making usable objects for a while, but here I am again, making random crap that people may or may not want to wear.

Thing is - I really love it. My hobby of making stuff/drawing stuff/writing stuff: creation. It brings me joy. And today, while sitting in front of my earrings, applying glaze (which smells pretty strong...I might have to blame these thoughts on that glaze...), it occurred to me. I wouldn't have been drawing/writing/making if not for the people that have supported my weirdness. I would have given it up, thinking that it wasn't good enough and that I was wasting my time.

To the friend who said making cupcake earrings was a great idea
to the friend who said she loved my blog posts
to the friend who said the drawing was amazing
to the many many friends who said they wanted to see more
thank you - to my friends that have supported me the most in this crazy year.

By the way: if you're wondering why the uncharacteristically pleasantness is seeping through this post, if you live in nebraska, GO OUTSIDE. ITS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL OUT.
....not needing to wear a jacket just makes me entirely too happy.

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